December has started

Niets nieuws natuurlijk want iedereen weet wel dat december begonnen is, maar ongeacht dat het de laatste maand is, zijn er toch nog een paar activiteiten waarmee wij het jaar zullen uitgaan.

Komende week kijken onze dames al wel uit naar het dameskerstfeest. Een geweldige traditie in de Bethelkerk waarbij de dames hun eigen programma hebben en waar de mannen zich in de keuken begeven om een heerlijke (hopen we) maaltijd te bereiden.

Maar behalve dat is er ook onze Kerst-kerkdienst. Die zal plaatsvinden op 17 december vanaf 14:00. Op die dag is iedereen welkom en kan men genieten van mooie liederen, dans, voorlezing en veel meer. We hebben hier al het één en ander aan voorbereiding gezien en we zijn er zeker van dat het ook dit jaar een prachtige samenkomst zal worden.

Trouwens, na de samenkomst is er ook nog lekkere soep en belegde sandwiches voor diegene die nog willen nablijven en een beetje genieten van de sfeer. Zeker komen als je de kans ziet.

Tussendoor is er ook nog onze jaarlijkse trip naar de kerstmarkt en dit jaar mag dat Parijs zijn. We houden jullie zeker up-to-date met verhaal en foto’s.

Maar wil je eens gewoon de kerk binnen stappen zonder al die activiteiten, dan kan dat zeker en vast ook. Kom eens een kijkje nemen tijdens onze zondagdienst of bezoek onze koffiebar elke dinsdag- en donderdagnamiddag tussen 14:00u en 16:00u.

Je bent van harte welkom.


November een nieuwe maand en vooruit naar december

Het lijkt misschien al wat vroeg, maar we kijken toch al uit naar december.

Komende donderdag is het ook weer “Dorcas” en dan zullen de dames van onze kerk beginnen met de kerstversiering. De flyers worden uitgelegd, de uitnodigingen aan het venster uitgehangen voor het Kerstfeest.

Naar jaarlijkse gewoonte zal er ook een kerstfeest plaatsvinden voor de dames. Ze zullen dan samen wat tijd spenderen en daarna samen eten. Wat het eten betreft, daar zullen de mannen dan weer voor zorgen. Dat is ook een jaarlijkse gewoonte.

Ook in de zondagschool worden voorbereidingen getroffen. Al is het allemaal nog niet publiekelijk, maar ze zullen ook dit jaar zichzelf van hun beste kant laten zien met een mooi lied, sketch of dans.

We mogen als kerk blij zijn met de kinderwerkers en de tijd die ze investeren om de kinderen tegemoet te komen.

Ook is er een “Kerstuitstap” georganiseerd. Niet Brugge of Oostende, maar deze keer naar Parijs. En verbazingwekkend, dit jaar is het een hele grote groep die meegaat op de uitstap. De busmaatschappij zet zelfs een extra kleine bus in om al onze mensen mee te kunnen nemen naar Parijs. … Parijs, we komen eraan.

Wil je weten wanneer onze Kerstsamenkomst plaatsvind? Ga dan eens een kijkje nemen op onze agenda.

Weltersbach 2015

While Bible study was taking place with the subject Prayer, the youth could enjoy their own program with the Youth Alhpa Film Series. That’s how the mornings were spend during our retrait at Weltersbach.

This year their was not just a big group to enjoy but also an extra day. Last year this extra day for our retrait was introduced and approved. And seemed to have been a great decision since the trips and plannings were more relaxed.

Here are some pictures;

Weltersbach 2014

DSC_0001Ook dit jaar hebben we kunnen genieten van een prachtige uitstap naar Weltersbach. Telkens weer is het een waar genoegen om samen met onze kerkleden tijd te spenderen afgezonderd van de dagelijkse taken.

Door meerderheid van stemmen werd er gekozen om het thema “Elia” onder de arm te nemen voor deze retraite. Elia, een man waarover zoveel te leren valt.

Ook de jongeren werden dit jaar apart gehouden voor een kleine studie over dicipelschap. We hopen dat de start van deze studie ook niet tevens het einde is. Om voor Jezus te kiezen is één ding, om er dan ook naar te leven is een ander. Deze studie kan dan ook een stap in de goede richting zijn om de jongeren te ondersteunen op hun weg in het dagelijkse leven.

Trip to Springfield Park Baptist Church 2013

000On Friday the 15th of march 2013 the Bethel Church left to visit it’s partner Church in Springfield England. What you will be reading underneath is what some of our members thought about this wonderful weekend.

What I really enjoyed during the weekend in England, was the atmosphere in the group of the Bethel Church en also the friendliness of the people were we stayed the night. Also the Church leaders there where cool en had a lot of humor. Thank you Lord for the brotherly and human warmth.

David van de Berghe.

On Friday the 15th of march we went to the church in England. We lest at our church about 10:12h and drove to Calais where we were dropped on the train. After about half an hour driving underneath the sea we saw light on the end of the tunnel. Than we drove about an hour and a half to two hours before we finally we reached the church in Springfield. We were welcomed by Roger.

After recovering from our trip we went out to seek out the neighborhood and we went to a shopping centre. The walk did good for us.

We when returned, Ruben, David and myself got our instruments out and did a little jamming. After that we ate. We filled our tummies.

Later we went to our sleeping accommodations.

David en MichaelThe next morning we went back to the church where John was already waiting for us. From there we went to a coast side about 40km from Springfield. The weather wasn’t really great with all the wind and rain. We had a fun and great day, but also very tiring. Before we went back to the church David and me did something really funny. We had bought ourselves some really manly moustaches. It created some hilarious moments.

When we arrived back to the church we had some of the famous Fish and Chips.

To close the weekend we played 4 songs in the Sunday service. 3 with the choir and one with our youth band. (band without a name)

We had a great day and a little after noon we returned to Belgium.


It was a great weekend with lot’s of funny moments, lot’s of laughing and a lot of English. Ready for the next time.

Michael Pauwels.

Our trip started with a short trip to Calais and then after 35 minutes riding through the tunnel we drove direction Springfield. After about 2 hours we arrived at that little nice church where the Pastor welcomed us with a cup of coffee and ofcourse tea.

To shorten the story I will just tell you what we did. Shopping, shopping, shopping and shopping… but at different locations. We ate pizza, Fish and Chips, English breakfast and we had a cold buffet. And what a coffee table. The English are really good at that.

Sunday morning we had service together with wonderful music and an encouraging message, preach by our own Pastor Samuel. Our choir also did well and the music mad by David and Michael was mega-, super, enormously cool.

What I enjoyed most? The fellowship of brothers and sisters. There was this comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. This trip could be repeated.

Thank you Springfield for this fine weekend!


Yes we had a great weekend in England. We have been warmly welcomed by the Springfield Baptist Church. It is important for friends, family, sisters and brother to get to know eachother.

Our hosting family, where I and Denis stayed, was very friendly. Good that he originated from the Netherlands. We were able to talk Dutch. Cool.

The Church service had a good message and wonderful songs. After we had a great meal we had a great trip back to Belgium.

There was no problem driving on the left. We thank God for His protection.


Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would go by car through the channel by train. The journey was truly magnificent.

At our sister church, we were welcomed by the congregation and spent a wonderful time with them. Unfortunately I could not spend saterday with everybody as I went to visit a sick, dearly-loved friend, who worked with me in JHB.

The couple who entertained me were wonderful and I can only express my heart felt gratitude to Peter and Alison for their kindness shown to me so, with this, I wish to thank each and everyone, not only the lovely people at Springfield, but also our own pastor Samuel and his wife and my fellow church members for a beautiful weekend.

I shall always remember with fondness.


It is good as children of God from different countries to gather, everyone with his or her own language. The Lord puts words in our mouth so we were able to understand eachother.

Also the trip to and from Springfield was a pleasant experience.

Robert and Ghislaine.

It was a blessed, super weekend. Worth doing it again.

Rudi en Maria

Our stay in Springfield Park

On Friday morning march 15th at 9 o’clock we gathered at our church in Lombardsijde. After a coffee and a good attitude we left for the train. Not just any train, but one that goes in a tunnel underneath the sea. The tunnel itself is about 40 meters under the bottom of the sea. We came back up after a 25 minute trip under water, without goggles and snorkel. And that we had to change our mindset from driving right to driving left. A bit strange, but it was fun.

Arriving at Springfield we were welcomed by the preacher with a cup of coffee and tea and a nice peace of apple cake. The combination was perfect. Following we went by foot to a shopping centre. After a nice walk at the centre we returned back to the church.

There we were received for a nice meal with pizza and lot’s of other nice things. After spending some time together we went with our hosts for the night over. Some of us went to a hotel, where they have been warm heartily received.

On Saturday morning, after a good English breakfast we could start our day with joy and good courage because everything goes in His presence and with His help. At 10 O’clock we gathered at the church and from there we drove to the coast side. It was a pity that there was rain and wind, but it didn’t kill our good mood. We had fun all around. We spend all day at a large shopping centre and for those who wanted they could defy the bad weather and have a walk on the pier. It was hard labor to keep standing because of the wind.

About 6 o’clock we arrived safely and well in church. There was awaiting the famous dish; Fish and Chips, but for some it was Chicken and Chips. It was so much fun to be among brothers and sisters in His name en to get to know each other better. At 9 o’clock we went back to our temporarily lodging and finished the evening chatting, having a little drink and snack.

Sunday we returned back to church after a good breakfast and gathering our luggage. At the church we had a service to worship Him and praise Him in prayer and songs. The service was followed by a big mail where we filled our bellies. We left back to Belgium at about 3 o’clock. But first there was a big farewell from our English brothers and sister.

By His protection we arrived safely back home. It was a perfect weekend. We are already looking forward for our next stay in 2015.

Thanks to everyone for this wonderful time and fellowship.

God’s Rich Blessing to everyone of us.

Jo Van Achter

Mainz 2012

On Friday June first we left at 8 :15am from the Bethel Church to our partner Church in Mainz and we had very good weather when we took off. We had a good drive and the roads were not to busy. On the way we took a couple of bathroom breaks and had something to eat. One of our stops was the Moezel Valey. It was wonderful.
Our group was very warmly received by the “Freikirche Gemeinde Mainz”. After a nice mail and a prayer we were taken to our guest families where we would stay over nights. After a little snack and a chat we went to sleep.
Saturday was a very busy day.
After a extended breakfast we took of to the Bible Museum in Frankfurt. It was an unforgettable experience. For example the cross what was actually not a cross at all. Because of the heavy logs the vertical beam stayed in de ground and the convicts would walk through the streets, strapped to a beam on their neck, shoulders and arm (also Jesus). When they came to the place of crucifixion the horizontal beam was placed on top of the vertical beam. On top of that beam a plaque was placed with the name of the convict. Jesus plaque said INRI (King of Jews). And that Is what made it look like cross which came the main Christian Symbol. But first Christian symbol was the Ichtus (the fish)

Also we have seen a lot about the Old Testament. It makes things look different from the way we used to read it. It is really a museum to come back to and explore.

After a typical local lunch in a Frankfurt restaurant, where we ate local food, we split up the group when going into the city. One group went shopping while the other group went all the way to the top of the “Sparkasse Tower”. After a short briefing we took the elevator and flew all the way to the 56th floor in 45 seconds. The view was amazing. We could see the city and all of it’s surroundings.

After small setbacks with the train, tram and bus and a lot of chatting and laughing we arrive quite late at the church. Our German brothers and sister received us with a nice barbeque all the way. That night was so wonderful. Singing together and praying with all these different nationalities. One in the Lord

Sadly it was soon Sunday, our last day, but a blessed service. Our own youth group brought a nice song and the German choir sang with angel voices. Pr. Samuel preached that morning. He used some verses from the book of Esther and talked about gossip, pride, obedience, …

Sharing the bread and the wine together in a different way we are used to, but it was very serene.

After the service, lunch and around 2:00pm back on the road. We had rain all the way home, but we are so thankful for this blessed weekend and the love of our brothers and sisters in Mainz. And because God took care of us and protected us during these memorable three days

Weltersbach 2011

As for many years also this year we have gone to Weltersbach as a church.
The retreat gives people the chance to get to know eachother better and fellowship in a relax atmosphere and focus on the Word of God together.
The theme for the retreat this year was: “Where is God?” Every morning during Bible study this theme was discussed and thought about. It made people think and the subject isn’t finished yet. We hope to continue this theme in the Church Bible Studies or maybe continue this during another trip.

Also this year there were people that joined this trip for the first time; new church members, but also friends of the church. Everyone was warmly welcomed en had a feeling of solidarity.

About Weltersbach; it might be good to visit their website to get to know more about it.
The people of this parish really have been taking good care for the Bethel Church and their guests and they did everything to make the stay as pleasant as possible.

One night the youth of the church was invited by Ekkehard BECKER to make a night walk through the wood. It ended in a small barbecue with bread, sausages and soft drinks.

The old, young and the children all have extremely enjoyed this small midweek in Weltersbach.

To the people of Weltersbach a very warm thank you.